Bright Ideas- The Orange Edit


The September Issues are out and filled to the brim with woolly, furry and generally very snug looking A/W collections. While this, and a constantly threatening grey sky, have led to the resurfacing of a few of my wardrobe’s woollier items, I’m resolved to hold onto summer, and the colour it installs into my wardrobe, for as long as possible.

Michael Kors and Clarins


So while blood red (Prada, D&G) is the go to colour of the winter, orange is the colour to get you there. When the sun is shining, colour block with orange and other brights for an appropriately carni(val) look. Or, as in the majority of cases, where black skinnies and a polo are more suited to the weather, max out on the orange accessories to keep season suitable.

Chanel in 623 Mirabella


The featured Michael Kors and Miss KG‘s are my summer crushes and so hence it was absolutely essential they were included in the edit! However, let’s stick to what we know in terms of critique, starting with the Chanel polish. Released as part of their summer collection, it looks fab with the Kors. If you have a coloured watch buy a nail polish to match…so much satisfaction! It chips a little more than it should for the price, but it’s the perfect muted bright colour to carry from summer into autumn.

Chanel Polidh


The final pick of the bunch, the Clarins (in Juicy Clementine). When I went in search of orange lippy it wasn’t available as one may think it would be, potentially due to the angst that surrounds wearing such an out there colour. However, pairing intense colour with dewy, bronzed skin, lots of mascara but no liner keeps it sophisticated. The lippy itself is very good quality, like all long-lasters it dries out the lips a bit but it’s glide on, sheer colour!


Miss KGs

Raising Eyebrows: Review of Benefit’s High Brow

I’m aware I’m not breaking any ground with this post, High Brow was launched yonks ago and since then there has even been a sequel, High Brow Glow. However, I wanted to review this product because, as far as I know, it’s the only brow highlighter on the market. Which leads me to question, why? Either Benefit are super dupa innovative and have come up with a product that no one knew they needed until they’d tried it. OR High Brow is a bit of a fad. Well packaged and full of ‘face lift effect’ claims, a product that frankly no other makeup brand would even consider producing?

 High Brow

As seen below the initial post-application look was worrying. However, as with everything in makeup, it’s all about the blending. And as the post-blending photos show, High Brow does seem to subtly raise the brow (particularly when compared to my other non- High Browed eye).

High Brow Initial Application

Proven to make a difference High Brow is now a product I regularly use. Although it should be warned that very careful blending is required if you’re using during the day! Also slightly bemused by the fact a product exists simply to highlight the brow, I had to find more uses for it (detailed above). I think it’s safe to say highlighting my cupids bow was unsuccessful, however High Brow does serve to brighten the eyes if applied to the inner corners….just trying to justify that £15 price tag.

High Brow Blended Text

Which brings us on to the cons…my current pet peeve, it’s a big pencil which requires a big sharpener. Having purchased one now I’m a little less of a big pencil hater; however I don’t think they are 100% necessary and High Brow definitely doesn’t need to be a big pencil. I almost think it would benefit from being smaller! Also, whilst it is a great product I’m not convinced is an essential, a quality pale eye shadow might be just as adequate.

Without High Brow

5 Tips for Perfectly Painting your Right Hand with your Left One.


…or the left with your right if you’re left handed.

Nail painting is so frustrating. It takes ages, has the potential to ruin your clothes / carpets and worst of all it means trying to control that shaking, quaking thing that is your left hand (or right).  The result is, obviously, completely worth it and I am sure most of you are much more in touch with your left hand than I am. But for those of you who struggle whenever they whack out the polish I’ve compiled some tips to help you on your way.




1. The temptation is to paint your left hand first…but don’t!

2. Paint just one nail on the left hand to get a feel of the polish and brush, then paint your entire right hand. This means that if you do make some mistakes on the right hand, then they can be wiped off easily without ruining the polish on the left.




3. Position your hand like the photo below. It sounds like a small thing, but it makes a lot of difference. Your left is supported so it doesn’t wiggle around so much.




4. Most people paint their forefinger or thumb first, this increases the chances of smudging as the painting hand moves across already painted nails. Instead paint your pinky first.




5. Everyone makes mistakes. Keep ear buds dipped in nail vanish remover nearby, so you can clean up little bits of polish.



Any more tips or tricks? Let me know below!

Nearly Brand New Review: Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Lips

You know something is good when you receive compliments on it and I’ve got to say, this Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Lips product has had a lot.




To be honest, I’d been rather reluctant to jump on the lipstick pencil bandwagon. Is it a lip pencil, is it a lipstick and how on earth am I going to sharpen it (more on that later)? However, as usual advertising and a 3 for 2 deal in Boots got the better of me.

I only went for one colour, a deep red (Vega) but beware some of the pinks looked v. garish. That said, my red wasn’t exactly the colour it said on the tin. The texture of pencil was, surprisingly, quite balmy, which makes it a perfect in the hand bag item; although it also means that the colour isn’t quite as rich as one may think from the packaging.




On a purely lipstick, lip pencil note, the lipstick pencil is actually quite great in terms of application. The finer tip means that even in the most rushed circumstances, lips still look like lips rather than an amass colour around the mouth area, or worse still, like you’ve been snogged.

Cheap at £4.99, the Barry M Gelly lipstick pencil is a perfect for  anyone with a hand bag lacking in a casual lip colour. According to the compliments, it’s a subtle, natural lip tint with a bit of zing!




However, there is one major downfall…the sharpening. Call me crazy but I don’t have a giant pencil sharpener, and it irritates me to know that without one the lifespan of my Barry M is short. Also if we’re going back to the lip pencil/stick debate, then this is where lipsticks win big time as there is never any sharpening or sharpener required. 

Review: Smashbox Liquid Halo Foundation

Admittedly, I’m a bit of a freegan. Not in the traditional sense, sneaking behind some supermarket to forage for my next meal from a bin isn’t my thing. No, I’m a freegan in the sense that if there’s something for nothing, I’ll have it. Even if, realistically, it’s completely redundant in my everyday life, the fact that’s is free means that I will find a use for it.





The latest free find, however, required no such justification. Smashbox were giving away their lastest Halo Foundation (£30). Sure, it involved a bleary eyed trip down to Boots at 8 in the morning (there were only 50 available, so obviously an early arrival was essential). And I had to deal with a Smashbox sales assistant flapping around due to the, surprise, surprise, unusually high number of customers. Umm, hello, rule number one of free giveaways, the masses will descend.

Anyway, the product itself. Being free, of course, it pretty much just had to exist to score 10/10. So more importantly would I re-buy..and pay?

Well, it definitely won’t be for everyone. In line with BB, CC and DEF creams the foundation provides a light covering not a cover up. Blemishes and dark circles remain visible unless used in conjunction with a considerable concealer.




What will be for everyone though is the ‘colour match technology’. Apparently the foundation adapts to fit the colour of your skin. No idea how or whether this is completely true but in my experience the colour is quite ‘matchy matchy’.

I won’t be rebuying though. For me it’s not worth the money, I’ve tried other foundations for much less!

Designer Falsies: The Ted Baker Edition

Since the caviar craze (see here if you missed it) the world has gone wild for nail art. Now it’s been taken to a whole new level with the rise of the designer falsie. From Umberto Giannini to Henry Holland they’ve all been at it, creating the luxe and the ludicrous so you can have the hottest hands in town!



This week I tried out Ted Baker’s version. Over excited by the fact I could buy nails that matched the lining of my new Ted Baker suit jacket, I didn’t even flinch at their £8 price tag. In hindsight perhaps I should have…

Let’s start from the beginning. There are 24 nails per pack…two uses I hear you thinking. Unfortunately not, they all vary in size so only one set of nails fitted me properly. Wasteful, yes, but the range of sizes does mean you won’t be gluing great talons to your fingers. In fact, this is one of the best things about this set; your nails look elegantly longer than normal without looking tacky.

The application was fairly easy. The set includes a little stick for cuticle removal and the glue comes out slowly so there’s no chance of it dolloping out. After the application of each nail I held it down for 30 seconds and, well, I was pretty pleased with the result…




…until the next morning when I woke up having done NOTHING and already one nail had fallen off. Hastily gluing it back on, I blamed my application technique and I remained optimistic. Regrettably, none of the nails, I applied a mere three days ago, remain.

The verdict- Ted’s nails are a hot one night stand, but if you’re looking for anything more long term…look elsewhere.



Brand New Review: No.7 Stay Perfect Superlight Foundation

This week I’ve been testing out No.7’s new Stay Perfect Superlight Foundation. Here’s what I think of it, and why everyone must take a trip to the No.7 counter sometime soon (think serious beauty gadget!)

No.7 Stay Perfect in Deeply Ivory

Believe it or not I’m a foundationaphobe. Not that I can really afford to be, due to  my long and tiring battle with blemishes! My fear stems from experience, I’ve witnessed too many orange angels to feel  comfortable wearing the stuff. Well, that was until my latest excursion to the No.7  counter.

I mean, forget endless sampling in attempt to ‘get the perfect match’ (only to  discover that in natural light you look A.) like a ghost or B.) like some sort of  carrot/pumpkin cross)…they’ve got machines, skin colour testing machines.

Two sample scans, a little blip and boom …I’m Deeply Ivory… and I actually was.  The foundation was applied in store so I could try before the buy, and utterly convinced by the colour match, my foundation buying hiatus was ended.

No.7 Stay Perfect Superlight Foundation

Ok, fast forward to now…I’ve been wearing No.7 for a little over a week, so what are the pros? And what are the cons?

The Pros– machines defo equal the perrrrfect match, the foundation is lightweight which I love, there’s nothing worse than feeling smothered, and it’s finish leaves skin looking fresh and dewy without inflicting the dreaded shine.

The Cons– I know it’s telling me it’s not oily but it does feel a little oily! It’s also lacking slightly endurance wise. If it’s on at 8.30am is gone by 6pm.

The Verdict – get down there and try them machines out!

With No.7 Stay Perfect Foundation



To the left with…..                                                                                                                                                                To the right without….

P.S. I’m sorry to say blogging time is seriously limited at the mo, however I’m starting a once a week thing- every Sunday. So check back in next week when I have got some gorgy TED BAKER nails to wow you with.

Chocolate Lips…Can it be done?

Before reading this post you need to know….I love chocolate and that…

Right now the hot rocking trend for lips is vampy. That’s right, keep ’em dark, deep and matte…it’s so flippin sexy. You’ve heard me bang on about Kate’s Rimmel lipstick in 107 enough times to know its my absolute ‘go to’ for vampy lips. However today I’m going off trend of the trend and asking….can you wear chocolate lips?



My inspiration for this rather weird question came from rummaging around the M&S beauty section. Not really looking for, yet another, lipstick; when I saw the shade chocolate, I just couldn’t help myself.


Applied at the first opportunity-I thought I looked great, the rich pigment made my teeth look dazzzling and I’d managed a nifty twist on a current trend! That was until.. my sister walked in and declared her hatred of my ‘muddy looking mouth’.

ImageI love them, my sister hates them. So let me know, are choco lips a goer?

P.S shade aside. I hadn’t used any Autograph make up before I purchased this little number and well, I’m in love with it. Sure, the packaging’s not going to win any awards, but the price and quality are superb.

Review: Primed and Poreless

For years bronzer has been my finishing touch to any make up look, but of late that spot has been taken by a different product- the pore preventing product! A few weeks ago it was Benefit’s….but this week I’ve been testing out Too Faced’s Primed and Poreless Powder.


Less mattifying and more glowing giving than Benefits version, I would highly recommend it if you’re a ‘foundation over bronzer’ kinda girl (although it works well alone on skin). I’ve learnt it’s definitely a less is more situ, there’s no need to coat the stuff on, a light dusting does all the pore minimising needed. As is the case with most powders it’s staying power isn’t the best, so reapply throughout the day or night!

I have the loose powder but they also do a pressed powder and liquid version which I would recommend trying as the loose powder is a little messy. (I had jeansgate on Wednesday morning, applying in a rush, knocked the powder over- I was literally covered in the stuff!)


A fab addition to my extended make up bag, this product is worth a try. The great news is, is that Too Faced has just been introduced to Debenhams and to celebrate they are doing free make overs! So get down there!

Happy Birthday Kate! Kate Moss Lipstick AKA The BEST Lippy Ever

At 40 I’m not sure what Kate counts as her greatest achievement but creating/putting her name on Rimmel’s Lasting Finish Matte Lipstick should be one of them. I’m sure you’ve heard me rave about it before, but I couldn’t let today pass without giving you a brief rundown of why Kate’s Lippy is so great.

Kate Moss Lippy 1

  1. It does what it says on the tin (stick)…it lasts…a long time!
  2. The colour. 107 is the shade to have. It’s vampy but too much of a plumy rouge to look Gothy.
  3. It’s versatile. One coat is enough to see you through the day, another and the evening’s covered, add gloss and ya through to the next morning!
  4. You can wear it with basically anything. From black and navy to red and yellow.
  5. £5.49…enough said!

Kate Moss Lippy 2